sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Curso Gratis


El aumento de la población mundial y el consiguiente aumento de las actividades económicas del hombre ha causado en muchas regiones del mundo una degradación del ambiente natural viéndose afectados el aire, el agua y en consecuencia los suelos fértiles. La descarga de contaminantes al medioambiente acuífero es causada fundamentalmente por actividades humanas, encontrándose diferentes tipos de fuentes contaminantes. Dentro de esta variedad de contaminantes se encuentra en primer término el agua residual proveniente de hogares y sistemas de alcantarillado, principalmente en las zonas densamente pobladas como son las áreas metropolitanas, así como también el agua proveniente de fábricas y oficinas.

Si quieres recibir el curso pincha aqui: CURSO GRATIS


Las sustancias químicas se encuentran distribuidas en todas partes del planeta y todos los seres vivos están constituidos por ellas. También, es difícil concebir alguna actividad en la sociedad moderna en la cual no intervengan o hayan intervenido productos químicos, tanto en el hogar, como en los lugares de trabajo e incluso en las actividades de recreación. Sin embargo, se han descubierto un gran número de efectos indeseables, asociados con el manejo de algunas de las sustancias que poseen propiedades que las hacen peligrosas; estas sustancias pueden ser tanto de origen natural como sintéticas. Entre los efectos adversos se tienen enfermedades y envenenamientos que pueden presentarse tanto en los seres humanos como en especies de la flora y la fauna que han estado expuestos en forma significativa a sustancias tóxicas, degradación de la calidad del aire, agua, suelos y alimentos.

Si quieres recibir el curso pincha aqui: CURSO GRATIS


Las exigencias de los mercados y la toma de conciencia de sus derechos por parte de los consumidores, obligan a las empresas manufactureras a enfrentar escenarios cada día más competitivos. Una de las herramientas con las que se cuenta para asegurar la calidad de los productos y procedimientos es la validación de los mismos, por lo cual, la adopción de un nuevo método analítico debe estar soportado por suficientes datos de laboratorio y una validación bien documentada, que cumpla con los requisitos establecidos.

Si quieres recibir el curso pincha aqui: CURSO GRATIS

viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

CAE Learning Community

The Community of Learning of Entrepreneurs provides formation solutions on line, applying to the Technologies of the Communication and the Information (TIC), to companies and other institutions. In CAE, we analyzed the necessities of formation of our clients to provide the solution to them of e-learning that adjusts more to its necessities.

e-learning is the learning attended by technologies of the information and foments the intensive use of the Technologies of Information and Communication facilitating the creation, adoption and distribution of contents, as well as the adaptation of the learning rate and the availability of the tools of learning independently of hour or geographic limits. This allows that the student interchanges opinions and contributions through the TIC.

A student can be Co-instructor of other students on a par to go away perfecting in his knowledge This system is directed to people who wish to extend their knowledge with no need to interrupt their activities or to spend time in long transfers, reason why the people can be enabled without moving of his place of work, nor interrupting his schedule.

The advantages of e-learning are the following ones:

Flexibility of study according to its availability of time

Access the 24 hours of the day, every day, from any place.

Customized pursuit with answer in less than 48 hours to your consultations, go to mailto:cae.comunidaddeaprendizaje@blogspot.com

Interaction with participants worldwide

We offer the following courses

A. - In the Waste Water Area

The Contamination of Waters

Composition of Residual Waters

Treatment of residual waters

Plant of residual water treatment

B. - In the Industrial area

The validation in the industry

Equipment of high performance

Strategic Planning

C. - In the student area

Thesis Investigation and elaboration

Technical of study

D. - For that they look for pastimes we offer a place dedicated to mascots, music, Internet, and many things more.

If you wish information about prices do not doubt in contacting to us.


The Community of Learning of Entrepreneurs is a group of specialists who give to answer to the necessities of the organizations by means of formation solutions applying the TIC Our experience and specialization allows us to offer all type of services and products for the development of projects of e-learning, as much to companies as to another type of institutions.

Our equipment of professional bases its work on the development of innovating solutions and the direction to the client. In an emergent market as it is e-learning, CAE dedicates its efforts to the innovation, as much from the technical point of view, to take advantage of all the technological advances, like from the methodological scope incorporating these advances so that they repel positively in the learning.

The Community and Learning of Entrepreneurs online lend special importance to the methodological approach of the solutions of e-learning that we contributed. For us, the importance resides in the interrelation between the protagonists of the formation and in the processes of learning, so that the technologies are not an aim in themselves, but an average one to obtain the objectives of each project of e-learning. It is necessary to stay informed with best Literature.

It is very recommendable which the student between habitually in the virtual course consulting the didactic directions available, to make consultations on those aspects that are to him problematic, to see the answers that have occurred to questions of other companions, to participate in the forums.